praise for Megan and the Manfunnel Method
I’ve taken a lot of self-development and dating courses including attending Matthew Hussey’s retreat! Megan’s course gave me the biggest shift! Instead of desperately seeking my partner, it was like I had a magic wand!
In the past, I found that men were intimidated by my success, but with the Manfunnel Method the quality of men that I began to attract were just as successful as me and I found myself not only NOT intimidated by that but invigorated! I’d always dreamed of being in a relationship where I could feel powerful, sexy and supported by an incredible man! I have that now!
I recently married the love of my life and we are expecting a baby boy this summer!”
Jenna Soard - Branding & Design Specialist
“Megan, with over a decade of dating experience in what most consider the “impossible” dating scene of Manhattan and having personally encountered nearly every imaginable dating situation and experienced so many heartbreaks, has created her happy-ending in a personal story that’ll knock your socks off and give you incredible hope! She can help you change your life fast!”
Rori Raye - Relationship Expert & Author of “Have the Relationship You Want” Los Angeles, CA
“For most of my life, I found myself stuck in a loop of unhappy relationships. I'd start fresh, but the same patterns of disappointment and loneliness kept repeating. It took me a while—about 35 years—to realize that maybe I needed to change something within myself.
About 18 months ago, I stumbled upon Megan on Instagram. Intrigued, I followed her posts and eventually joined The Vault. It was a game-changer. With Megan's guidance and the incredible support from The Vault community, things started falling into place. Online dating became less daunting, and six months into working with Megan, I met Mark on a dating app. Following the Manfunnel process wasn't easy, but it was totally worth it. Now, I'm in the happiest, most joyful relationship of my life with Mark—no games, no guessing, just trust, closeness, and security.
To those who doubt it can happen for them, don't give up. Get serious, seek expert help, follow the process, and watch the magic unfold. Huge thanks to Megan and her team for their unwavering support. Creating a healthy, loving relationship is absolutely possible, and I'm living proof.”
Anne, age 56 - Therapist
I’m Associate Marriage and Family Therapist, and joined Megan’s coaching programs back in January after continually experiencing heartbreak after heartbreak. I had already done quite a bit of deeper inner work in my time in therapy - however, I was really missing some of the specific strategies and tools that aligned with my own personal values.
During the program, I learned a lot about leaning into my feminine energy, maintaining my manfunnel, managing my anxiety throughout the dating process, specific verbiage for how to communicate with men while maintaining a positive energy and so so much more. Let me tell you— it works! Shortly after I wrapped up with her program, I have been in a happy, loving, and healing relationship for the past 8 months.
From a therapist’s perspective- attending therapy plus having coaching is a great way to find and keep a partner in addition to living an overall happier life! Therapy is great for the inner work, identifying root causes, and processing some difficult emotions during this process. While in coaching you can practice specific strategies and tools in the dating process with the support of community and coaches to hold you accountable.
I highly recommend working with Megan to anyone! Thank you so much everything!
Meg S. - Marriage and Family Therapist
“I had signed up for two or three other dating programs before The Manfunnel and there was nothing that made me feel so reconnected, it really helped me reconnect with who I am as a woman and then it helped give me a voice for what I wanted in my relationship with a man. Nothing else I’ve done has created both of those things. It’s the perfect storm that brings together everything you want in your relationship and helps you stand up for it. Megan, you’ve been amazing, really coaching us through what we could create in our relationships, and what we want for ourselves and our future, I’ve not gotten that in any other program. It was literally priceless to have access to you and your background. Even in my work, I feel so feminine,”
Professor Latanya White
“Megan teaches you so many skills that help you mesmerize men!
Linda S. - Germany
“Megan! I found my person and am going to marry him! Thanks to you we met a little over a year ago on Bumble and on Saturday he proposed to me! Never in a MILLION years did I ever think I would find someone who makes me this happy THANK YOU!”
Lauren - VA
"Every module taught me something new about myself, men and dating. These tools helped me open up my body language, signal to men that I'm available, spend time on apps effeciently, and set up dates that honored my boundaries. I'm so grateful I took this course because I found someone so wonderful!"
"I realized I wasn’t intentionally dating, I was bending my needs to accommodate their needs. I had lost focus on what a badass woman I am and all that I have to offer! Once you trust the process you'll see this program works!"
"Through this time I learned one of the most important lessons of all, I love myself so much I would no longer compromise myself to be in a relationship! I learned to communicate in a place of truth, empowerment and love. No games needed! I don't know why this isn't taught in schools. Megan showed me exactly how to orchestrate a long distance relationship that had a very happy ending! ;)"
“I realized recently that I have become more aware of how I was blocking men from coming close to me. There wasn’t anything wrong with them…it was me that was not letting anyone get close because of my own fear! So the iceberg has started to melt and things are changing around here!”
Sif T.
"My life was stuck, holding onto anger and hurt… that I pushed down - I had a wall up, and finally I woke up one day and said, “I need help!” The biggest gift of the Manfunnel experience was giving me the support that I needed to show up as 100 percent of who I am. I knew that I was supported and that if I fell I could pick myself back up and try again! I finished the boot camp in December and met fiance in February! Get the support, do the work, show up and it will happen for you”
“I used to be a relationship mess—scattered and anxious, overanalyzing every detail. The shift happened when I stopped putting all my power into someone else's hands. The Manfunnel community guided me through the discomfort of creating new patterns. In this supportive space, I found room to grow, received guidance, and felt nurtured. When I finally tried one of the tools I learned with my boyfriend, it worked like magic, exactly as Megan said it would. Now, I've transformed my approach to relationships, prioritizing self-fulfillment and creating a healthier connection with others.”
“I felt disorganized inside, and since I have been through this work and have met this incredible man that I'm going to marry, I feel I accept all the parts of me and they all work together seamlessly and when I think about where I started..
I was on a long drive, about 10 hours and I had come to this point in my life where I knew that I wanted something different and that what I had been doing before was not working and that I needed help, and sure enough, The Manfunnel popped up on my Facebook a series of free classes that you hosted popped up and they had already passed but I was able to watch them, so on this 10-hour ride I listen to all three of them all in a row and some somewhere like I think I was in like Wichita, I said to myself, I don't know who she is really but I need this work…
When I finally got home I contacted you and it has been truly a life-altering experience to work with you and to learn this method which led me to my fiancee, not only did it lead me to him, but before I met him it also had shifted my life; my work life, my friends, the way I engaged with the world, the way I woke up every day, and the way that I accepted myself like deeply and profoundly. I fell in love with who I am with all of the flaws and all of the imperfections; I am at peace with who I am and I met someone who loved me for exactly what I am and nothing more and nothing less. I've never had a love like that before and I met him in the middle of a pandemic!
If you are struggling to like who you are, if you are struggling to accept the things about you that make you, you; your body shape, your race, your beliefs, your job, if you have children, or if you don't want children. If you think that those are the things that are stopping you, if you're having those thoughts then I would encourage any woman to go through Megan’s courses because you learn to really accept all of you and to say I am so perfectly designed and there is a man out there who will absolutely love every curve, every part of me, every part of my life he's there, in fact, there are probably several of them! If you really commit to it there will be multiple men out there and you will get to choose. I now feel that I own who I am, I feel unapologetic and I feel really proud of who I am.
Megan has your back and it's an incredibly supportive community. I had to think really deeply if I could make this financial commitment as a single parent and as a small business owner and I feel so strongly about it that I would encourage you to to look at what is possible for you and to really do try to try to do the work because it is life-changing. There are a lot of people selling things on the internet that are not grounded and are not deep; this work is so very deep and truly life-changing and I don't say that lightly.”
“I am engaged!! After less than a year of dating! I joined Megan Weks program in February and fell in Megan’s intuitive approach to dating.
I had been feeling burnt out and tired of choosing the wrong guys & I had just gotten ghosted hard by a guy I really liked. I was hurt, frustrated and just needed some hope.
I joined the program and followed it diligently and competed whole thing and let me tell you how much fun I was having dating! I actually enjoyed it! Having the help of the wonderful ladies in the group was invaluable and I can not thank or emphasize enough how much it helped me with my mindset, choosing the right men, and saving probably years of time.
Shortly before agreeing to a date with my now fiancé I was a seeing a guy I really liked long distance and was confused where he stood with me and the program helped me figure out what I wanted out of that, which opened the door for my man to step in!
Then in the summer I had healed so much and was having so much fun with the help of the program, I hardly had time to notice a great man was trying hard to get my attention. So after he asked me out (for the literal 4th time) in October I said yes and now a year later we are engaged! It feels so right that it’s so clear why it didn’t work out with guys from the past.
I am so grateful for the woman I became during the program and don’t think I would have been ready for such a strong and thoughtful man if I hadn’t done it. Thank you thank you thank you Megan & team!”
Sarah Elizabeth
“The more I surrendered to the tools Megan’s given me the better I can have men drawn into me instead of having to push toward them.
I just started using the tools Megan gave us in class and all of the sudden these super high-quality men say they find me so much more attractive. That my energy’s changed
There was this one thing I kept doing wrong. And I had this huge a-ha moment about one thing I needed to shift if I wanted to get my ideal guy. The reasons that she gave and the level of depth of research she provided, helped me have this huge a-ha moment and I’m pretty sure millions of neurons in my brain recalibrated themselves
I had this preconceived notion that in order to apply these tools I had to be less myself but what I found is that I get to be more myself and I get to communicate in a way that is received better.
I didn’t think I liked this idea of “going into my feminine” because I didn’t want to surrender to a man, I don’t want a man in control, I want to be in control. And what I found with Megan is that you can be way more in control and get the outcomes you want. By just using the tools.
The kinds of guys I’m able to attract are so much higher quality, they see me really differently now, and they see me much more seriously. And then the way they respect me and respond to me is just so much better. I find the highest caliber men are often the most dominant masculine, and I find that these guys respond to Megan’s material like a playbook. It’s comical at times, I just know exactly what to say because they will respond this way or that - I had no idea before.
If you feel you are the whole package, and you’re smart and lovely, and a great person and you have great style, and for some reason, there's a disconnect, and you’re not sure what it is, do Megan’s program, because you're going to start to see what are the tools you need to use to attract your the best guy, not the guy that feels lukewarm, your fairytale guy!”
G. Weiss, Doctor of Psychiatry, New York City
“For all women wanting love and guidance in dating, I highly recommend working with Megan. I’ve seen how her work can help so much and teach women how to have a better relationships men and guide them to a better understanding of how to create a healthy relationship. If you are considering working with Megan in any capacity, I want to urge you to do it. You deserve it!”
Natasha Solea, CEO Girl Chases Dreams
“Megan is the relationship coach of all relationship coaches. For many women, finding your soulmate is like navigating Pandora’s box with only some being able to crack the code and live happily ever after. What I love about Megan is that she truly demystifies dating. She has a clear cut proven strategy that any woman can follow to attract and capture the man of her dreams. No one deserves to spend the rest of their life alone—and you won’t have to with Megan’s exceptional guidance.”
Karis P.
“I started dating Steve earlier this year (actually turning 50 soon after our first date!) and we are such a great fit in ways I never even hoped. Besides sharing similar values, he is kind, patient, generous. The biggest surprise is that he just DELIGHTS in me!! I can just be me, and he is so pleased. So it was my great pleasure to accept his proposal of marriage on Saturday!I started my Manfunnel journey in 2019. It played a big part in my progress toward meeting and dating better & better quality men. I’m so grateful to Megan, her coaches, as well as all the ladies in this group!”
Selena Soo, Publicity Coach
“Dating can feel complicated and confusing and Megan simplified the process for me. She helped me feel more comfortable to approach dating without getting my heart broken. There is an art to communicating with men and she helped me feel more confident and well equipped.”
Alessandra Forward
I knew the type of relationship I aspired to, but I had no idea how I would get there. Trial and error and fumbling around was no longer my jam. Meg's coaching helped me reflect on and verbalize what I want, and gain the confidence and the voice that is needed to be with integrity within myself. I was able to grow my mind-body connection, which I realized is the essential building block to my happiness. Seriously though, WHY ISNT THIS STUFF TAUGHT IN SCHOOL?! I am thankful for the guidance I received in this group, from not only the coaches but all the others who were brave enough to desire and go after a better, happier love life- starting with the self.
Tia Johnson, Philadelphia
“Cut down on that learning curve so you can really meet that guy…get on the Megan train!”

Manfunnel Marriages
Melissa - New York, New York
“Before meeting Megan I dated a lot but relationships rarely ever went past the second or third date. I was skeptical that Megan could help me… Maybe it wasn’t me, I just wasn’t meeting the right person? However, Megan opened up my eyes to my dating errors so I could finally have my pick of the litter! She continues to offer support and guidance throughout the relationship process. I’ve never been happier in my current relationship- and am finally being treated with respect and admiration. Megan’s coaching is truly life changing!! Now I am married to the love of my life!
Jeannette - Winter Park, Florida
“Megan’s advice has helped me to look inward and see all of the good I have to offer. In doing that I was finally able to understand my own worth which ultimately set me up to receive all of the best things in life. The most perfect husband for me being one of those things. Don’t hesitate on saying yes to getting a little support. It could be the very thing that makes the difference for you"
Laura- New York, New York
“She helped me meet, date and marry my amazing husband, somebody that I may have thought was ‘out of my league’ but helped me not only see my own value but capitalize on it. My husband is truly everything I could ever ask for and she continues to help me grow in my relationship by teaching and reminding me how to stay connected with my husband while getting the most out of our relationship. I strongly recommend anyone that is looking for love (and can’t understand why they don’t have it), or is struggling in a relationship– or just wants to smooth out the kinks of a happy and functioning relationship to work with Megan.”
“When I joined Megan's program was hurt, frustrated and just needed some hope. I am so grateful for the woman I became during the program and don’t think I would have been ready for such a strong and thoughtful man if I hadn’t done it. Thank you thank you thank you Megan & team! ”
Jenna Soard
“I’d always dreamed of being in a relationship where I could feel powerful, sexy and supported by an incredible man! I have that now! I recently married the love of my life and we are expecting a baby boy this summer!”
Nicole - New York, NY
“After just 5 minutes of body language coaching with Megan, I became aware of myself and was able to make minor alterations to my presence, letting my inner-beauty shine. I walked away immediately feeling energized, reinvigorated and confident! You are ah-mazing! “You’re my angel. You have gift!”
“If you are truly committed to finding your person, hire Megan. Join her programs. This woman is brilliant. The tools I learned from her not only helped me find the love of my life…”
Lindsay - Tel Aviv, Israel
“I met and married my high-caliber man! This would have never happened so quickly without Megan and The Manfunnel program. I got the fairy-tale man!
Anne - Australia
“I posted back in March about how happy I was in my relationship and how much of that was due to me following The Manfunnel Process. I’m super excited to share my news that on the first day of Spring (01/09/23) Mark & I were married! Exactly 11 months & 2 weeks since the day we met (on Tinder.) I am proof that the Manfunnel process works!”
Manfunnel Bootcamp Praise
Chantal Popick
I'm a recent grad of the Master Your Manfunnel Bootcamp & I have to say it's one of the best investments I've made in my personal development! Megan approaches dating/relationships in a unique and practical way.
I feel more in control, more confident and more radiant than ever. In each class you get to learn new techniques that you can use right away. Megan teaches you how to love and accept yourself, just as you are. She gives you real life examples of how to use the Manfunnel to have fun dating and to find YOUR man. Not to mention her amazing co-coaches and the online community of fellow manfunnelers!
I'm so grateful that I found Megan and that I'll have these tools for the rest of my life. Manfunnel is now a VERY important word in my vocabulary. I just wish I'd learned this lifestyle sooner!
Cecelia Williams
When I found the Manfunnel method, it was as if it magically slid into my life. I had decided earlier this earlier year to call in my life partner. I became so clear that this is what I wanted through visualization exercises, journaling, meditation, and through living in a way that I projected this energy.
The methods that Megan guides you through are simple yet require deep inner work, a willingness to be open and vulnerable, and moving out of your own way. Joining the vault was the best decision I ever made. One thing that has become clear as I have begun dating is the type of man that I have traditionally attracted and why I am attracting that type. The coaching from Megan, Jorgie, and Gabi have been so integral to my insights. They have provided more hand-holding moments than I ever expected to need. Knowing that, I have been doing exercises and research to move past the types I attract so that I move closer to my one. I know that he is just around the corner because I one step closer than I was last week!
If you're on the fence about joining, get off and join! This group is amazing and supportive as well as the coaches.
Maria Larson
Megan’s Manfunnel Bootcamp has changed my life! Prior to this course I was dating emotionally unavailable men and never able to really get the relationship past 3-4 months without it being on again off again and I was clueless as to why.
I had taken other dating courses but still struggled to understand how to hold a relationship together past the initial stages. Through this bootcamp I am certain I now have the tools. I am attracting quality, interesting men and have this soft subtle confidence of knowing how to hold onto and maintain a mans interest and a relationship.
Megan has an amazing gift and the support of the VIP group is such a special dynamic. I am so blessed to have found Megan Weks work.
Val Kripps
you’re a queen and the manfunnel bootcamp is such a powerful way to unlearn some dumbass beliefs and really open your heart and let love in!!!

more love from manfunnel members..
“Hello again! I posted back in March about how happy I was in my relationship and how much of that was due to me following The Manfunnel Process. I’m super excited to share my news that on the first day of Spring (01/09/23) Mark & I were married! Exactly 11 months & 2 weeks since the day we met (on Tinder.) I am proof that the Manfunnel process works!
I couldn’t wait to share my news with Megan & her team as signing up with her has been life changing! Without it, I would probably still be wasting time in ‘situationships’, feeling despondent and seeing all men through the lens of my failed relationships.
Instead, I sought help, invested in myself, & here I am. Love is beautiful and every single one of us deserves it. Good Luck!”
Update from Annie, the 56 year old counselor from Australia

“Engaged after less than a year of dating, thanks to Megan Weks' program! Frustrated with choosing the wrong partners and recovering from a recent ghosting incident, I joined Megan's intuitive dating approach in February. Following the program diligently, with the invaluable support of the ladies in the group, transformed my dating experience. The program not only brought joy but also shaped my mindset, helping me choose the right men and potentially saving years of time.
Before agreeing to a date with my now fiancé, I was entangled with a long-distance guy. The program helped me clarify my desires, paving the way for my current relationship. Despite being asked out by him four times before, it wasn't until October that I said yes. A year later, we're engaged, and the clarity on past relationships affirms the rightness of our connection. Grateful for the transformation during the program, I owe my readiness for a strong and thoughtful relationship to Megan and her team. Thank you, thank you, thank you! “
- Sarah
“I honestly can't believe I'm getting to share this with you today... two weekends ago the love of my life proposed to me!!! I'm still on cloud 9 and am pinching myself that I get to be with the man of my dreams (along with the ring of my dreams... omg ). Here's how it all went down... I was married and divorced by the time I turned 29. I never truly knew what a healthy, loving relationship was supposed to feel like. I truly believed everyone who talked about how much they love and adore their partners were lying or exaggerating. There was NO WAY anyone could be so happy and in love. Fast forward to May 2020. I was living alone and finally decided to take the leap and join the Manfunnel. I was hesitant, even though I read and watched literally every testimonial and said to myself "I know it worked for them but WHY would it work for ME..." I had a call with Megan Weks and told her I was unsure because of the cost. She told me "What is it worth to find the love of your life?" I honestly feel like I owe Meg a ton of money now because finding Jesse is worth WAY more than I paid her... I couldn't put a price on it if I tried. Anyway. I dated Manfunnel style that whole summer and then took a break in the fall to focus on some business stuff I had going on. Then December 30, 2020 I journaled how I WOULD find the love of my life in 2021. I messaged Jesse for the first time on Bumble on January 11, 2021. I KNEW he was my person within the first month of meeting him. We moved in together June 2021 and are now engaged!!!! I'm elated. The long and short of what I'm saying is... if you are truly committed to finding your person, hire Megan. Join her programs. This woman is brilliant. The tools I learned from her not only helped me find the love of my life but also help me in my overall communication in general!”
xoxo Lauren